running out of time
This performance was an exploration of the ways in which we construct time. I use my torso to roll a lemon across the wall for 365 minutes. Each minute is demarcated by my pre-recorded voice counting it off, and at each count I change direction. In this way a ten-foot yellow horizon line appears along the gallery wall. After 365 minutes pass, I mix a tube of my blood with white paint and trace the lines forming on my face.
From the opening flyer:
On the eve of 2018, a performance for the ageless. For 365 minutes linear (de)progression marks time. The woman, who inevitably matures to sweet delicious, begins to over-ripen. All alit by little blazes of white light.
Running out of time was performed on New Years Eve at Ochi Gallery in Ketchum, Idaho. Photos by Pauli Ochi and MP Knowlton.